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Words With Friends, Hosted by Phil M. Jones

Oct 9, 2018

Jon Acuff is brilliant! I met him as we both found ourselves on the same tour of speaking events with one client and we bounced to a few cities together.

Not only is he awesome on the stage, he has so much more to offer outside of his stage performances. You may know him from his incredible books Quitter, Start,...

Oct 9, 2018

David Burkus is so freakin smart. A friend I have enjoyed cocktails with in Manhattan, brainstormed about book marketing and debated the trials and tribulations of the world of speaking.

You may already know David from his books, Under New Management or Friend of a Friend, perhaps you have seen him deliver his infamous...

Oct 9, 2018

Mike Ganino has huge talent, a giant heart and even bigger hair. We met through a number of shared connections and I first got to see Mike in action virtually.

On numerous occasions I would witness him give to groups, share wisdom and steer the vibe and feeling of a conversation to outcomes that benefit everybody. I...

Oct 9, 2018

Damn I love me some Fanzo!! Brian is a brilliant human, a great friend and an ambassador for all things digital. We have spoken at the same event a few times, we have hung out in far too many bars and my goodness, this man speaks faster than even me!

Often quizzed on branding, digital marketing, live-streaming...

Oct 9, 2018

Leslie Ehm is one of the most incredible people in the world. Giant heart, talent in abundance and more energy than the Duracell bunny!

She has SWAGGER in abundance and spends much of her life helping others to unleash their brilliance with her training company, Combustion. I feel very fortunate to see Leslie as a dear...